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12 Weeks of Christmas

12 Weeks of Christmas Gift Impact

2020 has been quite a year! While we navigated many difficult and unexpected situations, we won’t let them steal our peace because “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5

At Pamoza, we are rejoicing because every day we have life is a good day. We are also rejoicing because it’s only 12 weeks until Christmas! We know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true… and we are excited!!!

This year, we’re doing something special. We’re counting down to Christmas by highlighting 12 different ways you can have an impact in Malawi. Every week, we will feature a different story and opportunity for you to go deeper in your partnership with families in rural Malawi.

Please stay tuned by following us on Facebook or Instagram so you won’t miss what we have in store. More important, we’d love it if you would please share our social media pages with your friends so they can also join the fun.

Not on social media? Click here to opt into a weekly e-mail update you can receive from us until Christmas week. Every one who opts into our weekly update or shares on social media will be entered to win a hand-crafted gift from Malawi – perfect for Christmas!

We can’t wait to celebrate each week of Christmas with you! DONATE

Posted 10/20/2020